Do you learn better by watching? Check out this useful playlist of YouTube tutorials for Teams, from the channel ITProTV.For feature-specific help, see Teams Tips & Tricks from Microsoft.We recommend starting with the Microsoft Teams Help Center:.Understanding Presence Information in Teams View some of our attached documentation at the bottom of this page. If you have any trouble obtaining Teams, please contact IT Support by submitting a ticket on this site or calling 26 option 2. On the web:The Teams website ( ) allows you to access most of the features including chat, calling, and meetings (with some limited functionality) through a browser.The mobile app includes the full functionality of Teams with chat, calling, and meetings. On a mobile device: The Teams Mobile App is available from the iOS and Android app stores.On a personal computer: Visit to download Teams.If you can't find it, visit to download Teams. On a WMed-owned Mac: Teams should be pre-installed and available under Applications.If you can't find it, click on the MS Teams icon in Available Applications to install Teams. On a WMed-owned Windows computer: Teams should be pre-installed and available under the Start menu.Below are some resources that are useful for learning about Teams. It will also run just fine in an internet explorer or Google Chrome Browser.

Microsoft Teams is a collaboration tool that serves many functions, such as Individual Chat, Team Chat, and Online Meetings (audio and video conferencing) The Teams application works on all Computer operating systems: Windows, Mac, Linux, and all smart phones. Posted by Tim Fuller, Last modified by Tim Fuller on 25 February 2022 11:58 AM